Welcome to Joylandia, my tifle blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Here are the topics I am thinking about for my TIFLE research project:
1. Do students' study habits change as a result of CALL? For example, do they study more times per week, spread out their assignments more, or complete all assignments in one fell swoop? Homework on paper vs. homework on the computer is what I would be focusing on.
2. What are the advantages/disadvantages between online workbooks and paper workbooks?
3. Is CALL feedback as effective as paper or face-to-face feedback? For example, when students complete assignments in the classroom and get an answer right or wrong, how does the teacher's feedback affect them versus if they are alone on a website with a computer correcting them, telling them they are right, or reviewing areas they need additional help with.

As can be seen, I am, more than anything, interested in comparing "traditional" ie, teacher-fronted or pencil-and-paper techniques with CALL. What are the advantages and disadvantages, which is more motivating, etc. Since I am a big fan of using technology as a tool instead of a gadget, I am very into these types of questions. Feedback is so welcome and would really help me... I am a literature student and these types of studies are very foreign to me. Are my topics way too broad?


Blogger Gillian Lord Ward said...

These are good questions, Joy. They are a little broad, but should be easy to focus some more. I like the one about feedback, myself, since online workbooks are definitely the way language classes are headed (most are already there). Whatever area you decide to pursue, I'm happy to help you bounce some ideas around...

11:35 AM


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